If you are a U2 fan (which I am) this seems unimaginable. I can't see Bono ever hiring a session musician to "fill in" for The Edge in concert... or Adam or Larry for that matter. Probably because U2 is a BAND with all four members signed to the record contract, not just Bono and his rock god ego.
But if you are a
Bon Jovi fan (which I also am) and you have tickets for the current leg of their North American tour, then
this is what you are being subjected to: A Bon Jovi concert without
Richie Sambora. See,
Jon Bon Jovi (and his rock god ego) is the only member of Bon Jovi signed to a record contract. The other three members -- Richie,
David Bryan and
Tico Torres -- are his
employees. It's been this way since 1984, which I've always found odd. However, now I also find it sad because this apparently means anyone
but Jon is replaceable.

This also angers me because last Friday night at
Staples Center I had probably the third best seats I've ever had for the who-knows-how-many Bon Jovi concerts I've been to since April 1989: 5th row on Richie's side of the stage. But Richie wasn't there. (See photo at right of Jon, that could've/should've been of Richie.)
And as I sat through almost three hours of Bon Jovi (or as I now refer to this incarnation, "75% of Bon Jovi") all I could think was, "This isn't right." "This isn't the same without Richie." and "If I'd wanted to see a Jon Bon Jovi solo concert, I would've gone to Vegas a month ago and seen him at the
Hard Rock for half this ticket price."
You see, without Richie there, there is no one for Jon to perform
with. He has a band playing music for him to sing to, but it's just Jon out there running around the stage. Normally it's Jon AND Richie -- the (their quote, not mine) "two brothers from another mother" -- running around together, playing to the two sides of the arena.
But on Friday, it was just Jon at center stage, with Dave and Tico behind him, glued to their respective instrument set ups. Then there was poor
Hugh McDonald (who hasn't been an official band member for going on 20 years now) on bass and
Bobby Bandiera (who has been playing rhythm guitar at Bon Jovi's live shows since 2005), both relegated to specific spots on the riser next to Tico and Dave. The only musician not in a delegated area of the riser behind Jon was
Phil X, the Richie Sambora fill-in, who, while an excellent guitar player, is not Richie Sambora. And -- probably smartly given the situation he's been placed in -- stayed pretty much glued in place too, in front of Tico's drums.
Now, I'm not saying it wasn't a good concert. It was. It just wasn't the Bon Jovi concert I've come to love attending over the last 24 years since I first saw them live at
The Forum on
The Jersey Syndicate tour, three days before Jon and Dorothea eloped to Vegas. (Yes, I remember that fact. It was very traumatizing to my teen-self at the time :P)
As he always does, Jon worked his 51-year-old ass off Friday at Staples. He even looked close to bursting a blood vessel in his neck while trying to hit the high notes on
Always during the second encore. But Richie's presence was noticeably absent, especially on songs I love like
Born to Be My Baby,
Livin' on a Prayer, and -- of course --
Wanted Dead or Alive, where his backing vocals are engrained in my brain as essential parts of the songs.
The only song I didn't miss him on was "Bed of Roses," because that's the song Jon came out on the catwalk for and ended up standing right in front of me to sing. It was awesome. Don't believe me? Click play below. I had awesome seats. (And yes, that is my video on YouTube.)
But once that song was over, and Jon started singing "I'll Be There For You" my sadness returned -- Richie normally sings that song in concert to give Jon a vocal break. (And he actually sings it better than Jon these days. Witness Richie's solo concert at the Fonda Theatre in Hollywood last November. Yeah, I had a good spot for that one too ;)
Whatever "personal issues" are keeping Richie from performing with the band -- rumors range from him falling off the wagon (which I don't really believe), to Richie being ticked at Jon for telling him to stop promoting
his solo album now that the
new Bon Jovi album is out (which seems more likely to me) -- need to get worked out... and quickly.
Jon told the first audience to miss Richie in Calgary that he had two choices upon learning three hours before showtime that Richie wasn't going to be there (which makes the "Richie's ticked at Jon" theory more plausible): postpone the show or play with a fill-in guitarist. He chose to play.
As a fan of the BAND, I kinda wish he had chosen to postpone.
That puts more pressure on whoever is having "issues" to get said issues resolved as quickly as possible. (Of course that assumes the issues are actually one of the two rumored issues above and not something else that's entirely out of anyone's control, which is also totally possible.) It also doesn't punish fans who believe Bon Jovi is more than Jon and his rock god-self. I know it's obviously much harder to replace a singer/frontman, but U2 postponed their tour for a year when Bono had his back injury. Just sayin'...
Okay, I'm done venting... for now.
PS: Here's the
setlist from the 75% of Bon Jovi concert at Staples Center on April 19th. Note: They only played three songs off the new album. Just sayin'...
- That's What the Water Made Me (What About Now)
- You Give Love a Bad Name (Slippery When Wet)
- Born to Be My Baby (New Jersey)
- Raise Your Hands (Slippery When Wet)
- Lost Highway (Lost Highway)
- Whole Lot Of Leavin’ (Lost Highway)
- It’s My Life (Crush)
- Because We Can (What About Now)
- What About Now (What About Now)
- Work For The Working Man (The Circle)
- We Got It Going On (Lost Highway)
- Keep The Faith (Keep The Faith)
- (You Want to ) Make A Memory (Lost Highway)
- Bed Of Roses (Keep The Faith)
- I’ll Be There For You (New Jersey)
- Have A Nice Day (Have A Nice Day)
- We Weren’t Born To Follow (The Circle)
- Who Says You Can’t Go Home (Have A Nice Day)
- I'll Sleep When I’m Dead w/ Start Me Up (Keep The Faith/cover)
- Bad Medicine (New Jersey)
Encore #1
- Dry County (Keep The Faith)
- Wanted Dead or Alive (Slippery When Wet)
- Livin’ on a Prayer (Slippery When Wet)
- Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night (Crossroads)
Encore #2
- Always (Crossroads)
- Treat Her Right (cover)