Notes from the Red Carpet..
Dakota Johnson looks great and I love that she and her mom are embarrassing each other on worldwide television.
Reese Witherspoon looks amazing. Loved "Wild." My fave movie of the year!
Don't love Emma Stone's dress but still love her and her quote of the night: ".. Bradley Cooper, who I know...he's a normal person." Uh yeah.
Why did Faith Hill cut her hair?
Kerry Washington looks great, as always.
I love Bradley Cooper. ...he's "a normal person" ya know.
I love Chris Evans too. But I love Chris Hemsworth more. Where's Thor?
Fun fact: Patricia Arquette lives across the street from my boss. (And Justin Timberlake lives across the street from my poker hostess with the mostess... I think this "across the street from famous people" is becoming a thing in my life.)
Now on the with Show!
Ok NPH, I have big hopes for you tonight. #nopressure
Loved NPH's opening number with Anna Kendrick and Jack Black! Super fun!
Thanks Lupita Nuongo for getting me the "teleprompter flub" spot on my Oscar bingo card by saying "And the Actor goes to.." JK Simmons already won an Actor. And now he has an Oscar! "Whiplash" was a crazy intense film and his performance was crazy, intense and amazing! And his speech was also one of the best ever. Call your mom and dad! I love you Juno's dad!
Oh hi Adam Levine. Who predicted "Lost Stars" would get a nomination when she saw "Begin Again" last summer? Oh yeah, that would be me.
I hated "The Grand Budapest Hotel"...just fyi. It felt like it was 10 years long. But it can win Hair/Makeup and Costume, as long as that's all it wins.
Wes Anderson has been making movies for 17 years?!?! He looks like he's only 17.
Ok. Best Oscar Performance EVER! "Everything is AWESOME!" Love you Batman! Plus, thanks
for the "Wacky Tux" space on my Oscar bingo card, Adam Sandburg.
"I love that dress. It takes a lot of balls to wear that dress."
(Talking about this woman who won for "Documentary Short Subject.")Gwyneth Paltrow really likes wearing pink to the Oscars, doesn't she?
The Glen Campbell song, performed by Tim McGraw, was totally sad. Thanks Julianne Moore for the "tears" box on my Oscar Bingo card. Could we have the "In Memoriam" now too so we can just get all the sad over with at once. #rememberrobin
NPH reenacts the "Birdman" tighty whitie scene. Painful. Part Deux.
Jared Leto in a powder blue tux. No comment. Okay.. a comment... Why Jared, why?
Yay for Patricia Arquette! And yay for her equal rights and wages for women speech! She rocks.
Christian Grey's sister is singing. A song from super songwriter Diane Warren. That is all.
Okay, I haven't seen "Interstellar" yet. But I find it hard to believe it just beat "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Dawn of the Planet of rhe Apes" for Visual Effects. Can someone tell me why?
Anna Kendrick is taller than Kevin Hart. And it's not just her heels, Kevin.
LOVE Jessica Chastain's dress. That's one of my colors! I WANT that dress!
"Birdman" wins for Cinematography. Shocker!
Now the sad "In Memorium." #rememberrobin
Jennifer Hudson's voice is sooo good. Wow.
Best Filming Editing goes to "Whiplash." This is sad, because if "American Sniper" had won, I could have continued my "across the street from famous people" theme, as nominee Gary D. Roach lives next door to my BFF Christina up in the SCV. Oh well...
Great "Glory" performance. More "tears" for my Oscar bingo card.
Idina Menzel rocks. That is all.
So you're telling me John Legend's name isn't really John Legend? It's John Stephens?!?! Mind. Just. Blown. (And Lonnie Lynn? Really "Common"? But can't say I blame you on that one....)
Umm... is Lady Gaga really singing songs from "The Sound of Music," or have I just had too much wine? I mean she has a good voice, but she's definitely no nun.
AHHHHHHH JULIE ANDREWS!!!! Bow down people. Bow down.
YES! "The Grand Budapest Hotel" did NOT win Original Screenplay. Any of those movies were better. So congrats "Birdman." (Why do I feel that's not the last time I'll type that tonight? #worktweettoclientscomingsoon)
2nd Best Speech of the Night goes to former weird kid Graham Moore, who won Best Adapted Screenplay for "The Imitation Game." "Stay weird, stay different." Yes!
And now, the only acting award that could go more than one way.....
Whoo hoo! Eddie Redmayne winning Best Actor for "The Theory of Everything" makes me soooooo happy! Such an amazing performance in an amazing film!
Julianne Moore wins. So well deserved. But why couldn't Matthew McConabeard say "Alright" three times instead of just once so I could win on my Oscar bingo card?
Best Picture... "Birdman" or "Boyhood?" (It shoulda been "Wild")
Birdman. Not a surprise. Have I mentioned that "Wild" was my favorite movie this year? Le sigh...
P.S. None of these Oscar bingo cards won. You suck Jimmy Fallon. Is the Jimmy Kimmel Oscar special on yet?