The last time I wrote on here was Oscar Sunday 2018. It's been a year... literally and figuratively.
Lots went on ....good, bad, and ugly.
The good was an amazing trip to the Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon (North and South, Zion (my new favorite place on earth) and Bryce Canyon. I finally got my new front door.. and new windows and new not-cloth-wiring in my house (ka-ching!). I also became a double homeowner... now in my second state. And I spent a lot of time with my two favorite littles.. now in their super-fun two's.
The bad was continued family drama and medical scares, the new personal experience of anxiety attacks, and losing people and pets. Oh, and pretty much the entire 2018-2019 Los Angeles Kings season, give or take a game or two.
I still want to document some of the good on here for posterity and I will... I just have to get the writing juices flowing again. I think part of why I haven't written was thinking of everything I wanted to write -- and haven't yet -- seemed overwhelming. So I ignored it altogether instead.
So I'm leaving that behind and not dwelling on it.. I'll write "flashback" posts when I feel like it to preserve the memories.
But starting now, I'm just going forward with current events, thoughts, and things that amuse me.
And today -- my version of Superbowl Sunday (aka The Oscars) -- is the perfect day to start. I'll be live blogging the festivities in all their un-hosted glory. Can't wait for Bradley and Lady Gaga to perform! "A Star is Born" was my favorite film last year for numerous reasons... it's touched a cord with everything good/bad/ugly that's been going on in my life, and gave me an outlet to bawl my eyes out.
You just need to do that sometimes, ya know?
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