Sunday, November 24, 2013

here's to a "bow"tiful holiday

Christmas is in one month and next weekend will be the holiday load-in at my house. That means the six plastic crates full of Christmas lights and decorations, as well as the big box filled with my new fake (sniff) Christmas tree will be freed from the garage to fill the inside and outside of my house with holiday spirit. 

To prepare for holiday load-in, I got crafty today, making replacement bows for my front fence, because after five years out amongst the "elements" my old bows are looking a little faded... among other things I won't mention. (Thanks birds who sit on my fence too much.)

Anyhoo, when I bought my new fake (sniff) tree a month ago at The Decor Store, I also bought some new velvet ribbon... 20 yards of it to be exact. (Although, in retrospect, 30 would have been better.) Today, under the guidance of expert bowmaker Mom, I fashioned eight bright new bows. Here's how this Christmas miracle unraveled:

1) Start with your ribbon roll. Since my bows will be outside on a white picket fence, I went simple with bright red velvet and a green border.

2) Create a three or four inch loop. Then twist the ribbon around into another loop, so the outside of your ribbon is always on the outside of the loop. Also be sure to hold your thumb on the center spot where each twist occurs. Twist again into a third loop.

You can stop here if you want or add another two for a total of five loops, which is what I did.

3) When you are done with your loops, take a two or three-inch piece of 26 gauge floral wire and wrap it tightly around the center where your thumb was holding the twisted loops together. Feel free to use pliers to tighten the wire.

4) Add your bow's "tail" by cutting a long piece of ribbon (I used about 24 inches) and tying it in the middle to the center of your bow and then straighten out your loops. Ta-da! All done. I also added a reeeeeally long piece of wire (as I tied on my tails) which I will use to secure the bows to my fence next weekend when I put up all my outdoor Christmas decorations. 

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