Tuesday, March 13, 2012

things i think about when i'm home sick

I woke up all achy and tired and congested today, so I stayed home sick. I popped a Nyquil and took a good nap till texts about emails about work awoke me. After dealing with said emails, I checked out the Tivo guide and saw that my favorite of The Lord of the Rings trilogy -- The Two Towers -- was on, so I started watching that. Upon getting to the almost-end, I was reminded of how much I LOVE this scene...

I have seen that movie at least 20 times and I still get chills when Gandalf appears at the top of the hill at dawn "at first light on the fifth day" with Eomer, and they charge down the hill "To the Keep!" to save the day, as the sun rises behind them and blinds all the evil, icky Orcs and Uruk-hai, as the score crescendos. So awesome!

So then I started thinking about other movie scenes I love and can watch over and over and over again and still get goosebumps from. I'm sick and medicated, so I've only remembered two so far...

I call this one, "Neo and Trinity KickAss." I love this scene because it is the epitome of cool. Cool music, cool choreography, cool special effects, and not a single emotion shown by the two rebels on a mission.


And from my favorite movie of all time... "The Escape" from E.T. To quote a YouTube commenter, "5:30 = the most magical moment in cinema history." I LOVE this scene, have since I was 10, and get really ticked off at John Williams when he doesn't play this music at his summer Hollywood Bowl concerts.
(Sadly, the quality of this clip sucks, and it's from the special edition where Spielberg replaced the agents' guns with walkie talkies. But I have the original version on both DVD and VHS [and yes, I still have a combo VCR/DVD player to play it on], so I'm good ;)

More will come as my head clears and I think of them.

What are your favorite goosebump-enducing movie scenes?

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