Saturday, July 20, 2013

things that make me smile: summer fruit

When I was a toddler, I had a red splotch on my back that my mom and grandma swore looked like a strawberry. As a result someone bought me a cute dress with a strawberry on it that I think all of my living relatives own a copy of and that my mom decided to sketch out as a big piece of art ... which she then decided should hang in my house in the exact spot in my bedroom where the previous owner also had a sketch of a young child. 

I tell you all of this because in addition to (or maybe in spite of  ;) the above, I LOVE strawberries! They are not only my favorite fruit, but quite possibly my favorite food on the planet. So summer (aka strawberry season) is a faboo time for my sweet tooth and taste buds. 

But strawberries aren't the only summer fruits I adore. Here's a peek at what is currently taking up at least a quarter of the space in my fridge right now (thanks to a trip to the Costco refrigerated room today ;) 

Why can't these be in season all year like boring apples are?

Cherries! Love them! Hate that they cost so much :(
Green grapes. Red grapes. As long as they're seedless, I don't care :)

Nectarines! I always forget how much I love these till I buy them. 

PS: I'm also a huge fan of plums, but don't have any to take pics of right now. Boo.

PPS: My LEAST favorite summer fruit is kumquats... if you've ever been to my backyard you know why.

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