Tuesday, April 20, 2010

hit-girl kicks ass

Haven't been to the movies in a long time, which is odd for me. Spent most of movie awards season watching screener dvds, very few of which I liked much less loved. Then I finally went to a theater and saw Alice in Wonderland back in March with my team at work and liked it a lot, but, sadly, it still felt like work. (Sucks how that happens.... getting so sick of something before you even get to fully experience the goodness of it). But this weekend, I returned to my movie mothership -- The Arclight in Hollywood -- to see a lovely little diddy called KICK-ASS. The movie is a superhero story about a regular high school kid who decides to do good, and gets in over his head, only to be rescued by my new hero: an 11-year-old girl with blond pigtails who has been trained by her dad as a super-assassin and wears an awesome purple wig. Her name is Hit-Girl, and she is the one who really kicks ass. Remember that scene in The Matrix where Trinity and Neo walk through the metal detectors with duffle bags full of weapons and then shred the lobby and everyone in it to smithereens, in super-cool matrix slo-mo with lots of flips and spins, while looking awesome in long black leather coats? Yeah, well, the 11-year-old does that all on her own in her purple wig and a Catholic schoolgirl outfit, taking out half the mafia. AWESOME! Gotta love true girl power :) The flick is two hours of fun, with an awesome soundtrack to boot. 

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