Wednesday, April 10, 2013

getting things done: day 3

I hate leaves. Realizing that factoid is my only complete accomplishment today. Because leaves, lots and lots of leaves, are preventing me from accomplishing anything else this week.

Today, as part of my continuing attempt to check item #3 (clean up back corner and side of yard near the shed, which I started yesterday) off my to-do list, I spent three hours raking and shoveling leaves into my just-empited green bin. I filled it up to the brim and there is still a giant pile of leaves left. So I've now gone to Home Depot to buy a "back up" trash can that I will be filling with leaves tomorrow and holding till next Wednesday when the green bin gets emptied again. (Special note: I bought other stuff at Home Depot too, and spent exactly $100.00... on the dot. Who does that?)

I also relocated what's left of a big brick pile so it's now out of reach of the evil falling leaves. Hopefully, this will make next spring's leaf-a-palooza easier to clean up.

In the middle of my leaf-induced delirium, I also decided to create more work for myself by psuedo landscaping this hidden area of the yard that only I and like four other people ever see. I have a ton of stepping stones that were part of the brick pile. So now I'm going to lay down black weed blocker fabric, arrange stepping stones to the shed and paved side of the house on top of it, then add pretty gravel/rocks around them because my smart mom says it will be really easy to use a leaf blower to get the leaves off of rocks. This new plan should take me at least two more days... if I'm lucky. Ugh.

I was also thinking, as I shoveled scoop after scoop of leaves into the green bin, that if I had a composting bin, I'd have some awesome free fertilizer in a few months. Does anyone out there compost? Is it worth doing? What composting bins are good for starters? Leave a comment below if you have any advice. Thanks!

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